The Humboldt University Library is currently digitizing anthropological journals and monographs.
The digitization-projects are financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and have been ongoing since September 2013. So far a number of journals have been digitized:
- Globus (1862-1910)
- Anthropos (1906-2012)
- Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (1869-2020)
- Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie (1860-1890)
- Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde (1891-1928)
- Zeitschrift für Volkskunde (1929-2020)
- Deutsches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde (1955-1969)
- Jahrbuch für Volkskunde und Kulturgeschichte (1973-1989)
- Tribus: Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums (1953-2018)
- Baessler-Archiv: Beiträge zur Völkerkunde (1911-2018)
- Sociologus: Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie (1951-2007)
- Am Ur-Quell: Monatsschrift für Volkskunde (1890-1896)
- Der Urquell: eine Monatsschrift für Volkskunde (1897-1898)
- Der Erdball: illustrierte Monatsschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Anthropologie, Länder- und Völkerkunde (1926-1932)
- Ethnologische Studien: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Völkerkunde (1929-1931)
- Original-Mittheilungen aus der Ethnologischen Abtheilung der Königlichen Museen zu Berlin (1885-1886)
- Ethnologisches Notizblatt (1894-1904)
- Centralblatt für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte (1896-1901)
- Internationales Centralblatt für Anthropologie und verwandte Wissenschaften (1902-1903)
- Zentralblatt für Anthropologie (1904-1912).
For the first time, the aforementioned journals are available freely without gaps and in good quality. Due to text recognition software (Optical Character Recognition) their full texts are searchable. The individual journal articles structural data and metadata will be indexed for the EVIFA-Search.
Other collections will be added successively. If you need digital copies from other collections, please write to: ub.digitalisierung[at]
Since 2021, additional (historical) monographs from the collections of the University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin have been digitized and made accessible. The prerequisite is that the works are copyright-free or that permission has been granted by the rights holders. This includes monographs that were published before 1920 and are not available for interlibrary loan at the HU Berlin library (and other institutions) for reasons of inventory protection. Due to the large, well-preserved holdings of the HU Berlin library without many war losses, comprehensive material relevant to research history will be made available for worldwide access.
Ethnological and folkloristic dissertations from GDR-times, which are only available in typewritten form and not as published publications, will also be digitized.
For further information please contact:
Sebastian Szczepaniak
Matthias Harbeck