Digital reference library of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s Fairy Tales
The library of the Brothers Grimm was largely handed to the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin University Library. It’s one of the most important private collections of its time in the field of German studies. What makes the collection so valueable are the numerous traces of work that can be found in the books, such as notes, markings and added pieces of paper. The library was a major work tool during the creation of the fairy tale collection, one of the most popular and well known works of literature. About 700 volumes can be counted to this part of the private library. A new project, grounding on perspectives of technology, literary studies and librarian knowledge, is now taking on the challenge to make the books, including all of their traces of provenance, accessible online. .
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Future Publications in the Humanities (Fu-PusH)
The project “Future Publications in the Humanities” (Fu-PusH) is granted by the DFG (German Research Foundation) for a period of two years and aims to develop recommendations and directives for electronic publishing in order to realize the potential of digital media for the particularities in the humanities. The recent shift from print-oriented publications to more enhanced digital publications requires a reconsideration of the whole publication process including the pre- and post-publication phases. Based on a comprehensive requirements analysis, directives will be developed in order to evaluate and improve the quality of academic information infrastructures and information services.
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Digitization of Ethnological Journals

The Humboldt University Library is currently digitizing eight German anthropological journals to make them publicly accessible. The digitization-project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and has started in September 2013.
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User Survey at the Grimmzentrum

Under the slogan "Jacob, Wilhelm and You" we have carried out a user survey together with a project seminar of the institute of Library and Information Science. The survey took place from 29 May to 10 June 2012. Its objective was to obtain data on the following issues: Who are our users? What subject are they studying? From which university do they come? What purposes do they use the Grimmzentrum for? And: What are the core areas and times in terms of daily usage. (The results are published only in German)
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The ERASMUS-Project IPBib comprises presentations, seminars, workshops and discussions on the following topics: library services, library building, public relations, digitization and information literacy.
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The University Library of the Humboldt University uses RFID technology for improving the self-service loan and return of media, for payment functions, for optimisation of media security and for extending the opening hours.
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Retrospective Stocktaking at the University Library

Since the nineties, the University Library of the Humboldt-University has started to scan their former card and book catalogues. Aim is to build electronically edited catalogue records that can be imported directly into the Online Catalogue.
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