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Publication about the department (German with English abstracts):
Ein Blick in die Historischen Sammlungen 2018 
The university library’s historical holdings are spread across several locations. A large part of the collections, including a collection of historic deeds, the Theodore-Fontane-Library and the Grimm Library, can be found in the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum.
The Research Reading Room, located in the Grimm-Zentrum, provides a space to read and look at books and other items from the special and rare collections. Furthermore, it offers reserved desks for researchers of the University.
The University Archive stores the University’s memory in the form of official documents, historical sources and academic bequests. The archive’s holdings can be accessed at the location in Berlin-Adlershof.
The Digital Collections offer a wide range of digitized items, including items from the libraries of scholars, the collection of leaflets or historical transcripts of lectures.