The 'Literarischer Sonntagsverein Tunnel über der Spree' was founded in 1827 and its archives were passed into the ownership of the Berlin University and its Library in 1912. The archive holdings are listed in a separate online catalogue. An additional Online Catalogue lists the preserved books of the literary society.
The total stock of the archive consists of 13,200 items with 11,500 manuscripts, 500 lithographic sheets and 1,200 prints (including the volumes of the 'Tunnel-Bibliothek'). There is further information about the stock of the archive available.
The members of the literary society saw themselves as enthusiasts of literature and art and introduced their own works of art during their social gatherings. Among the outstanding members of the society were Theodor Fontane, Emanuel Geibel, Moritz Graf von Strachwitz, Christian Friedrich Scherenberg, Adolph Menzel and the later Nobel Prize winner Paul Heyse.
Using the collection
You will have to select the required item, enter the complete title and order it via Your order is normally processed within one day (not on Saturday or Sunday). Please note that you can use the ordered item only in the research reading room.
You may order books that are part of the collection via the Online Catalogue. You may use the book in the research reading room.
Please check your user account to make sure that your ordered item is available before you visit the library.
Contact us or e-mail Henrik Hofer for further information.
Joachim Krueger, Das Archiv des "Tunnels über der Spree" und die Fontane-Sammlung in der Universitätsbibliothek, in: Forschen und Wirken. Festschrift zur 150-Jahr-Feier der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 1810-1960, Bd. 3, Berlin 1960, S. 439-447
Wulf Wülfing, Art.: Tunnel über der Spree [Berlin], in: Handbuch literarisch-kultureller Vereine, Gruppen und Bünde 1825-1933, hg. von Wulf Wülfing, Karin Bruns und Rolf Parr, Stuttgart [u.a.] 1998, (Repertorien zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte 18), S. 430-455
Roland Berbig, Das Vereinsarchiv des Tunnel über der Spree. Zur Geschichte eines Nachlass-Profils, in: Ungeahnter Knotenpunkt eines Netzwerkes von Personen und Ideen. Erschließung des Vereinsarchivs "Tunnel über der Spree", Berlin 1999 (Schriftenreihe der Universitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 61), S. 12-24
Klaus-Peter Möller, "Genuine Windsor-Soap". Fontane-Porträts und Bildnisse vorgestellt (3): Das große Tunnel-Bild und Hugo von Blombergs Rede bei dessen Enthüllung, in: Fontane-Blätter Heft 79, Jg. 2005, S. 15-42