Sponsorship campaign 'My GRIMM ... needs repair- sponsor a book.'

Using the collection
If you are looking for monographs and periodical articles of the Grimm Library, you may search the Online Catalogue of the University Library or Primus.
All items have to be ordered via Online Catalogue, and may only be used at the Research Reading Room. Please, check your user account before you visit the library to make sure that your order has been processed.
Contact us
- Die Bibliothek der Brüder Grimm (The Library of the Grimm Brothers). List of the Collection by Ludwig Denecke and Irmgard Teitge, edited by Friedhilde Krause. Weimar / Stuttgart 1989
- Elke Peschke, Grimms Bücher - Die Bibliothek der Brüder (The Grimms' Books - The Brothers' Library) in: Theatrum naturae et artis - Theatre of Nature and Art, Volume: Katalog (Catalogue). Wunderkammern des Wissens, 2000, pp. 58-59