Portrait Collection

The major part of the collection contains images of professors of the Berlin University from 1810 until today. Furthermore there are images of professors and staff of the University Tartu (Dorpat) between 1850 and 1870 and a few stray images of the professors of the universities in Bern, Halle, Innsbruck, Kaliningrad (Königsberg), Leipzig, Linz, Prague, Vienna and Würzburg. The holdings are completed by donations to the University Library's autograph collection showing Images of members of staff of the University library.

The portraits may be search via a separate Online Catalogue. A smaller version of the portrait can be displayed as well.

Using the collection

If you would like to use portraits in digitized form please send an email to rara@ub.hu-berlin.de.

Please note the charges, especially the paragraphs 4.11 to 4.13. at Gebührenordnung.

A portrait in its original may only be used after prior order at rara@ub.hu-berlin.de.

Ordered items are usually available on the following day (but not on Saturday or sunday) and may only be used in the research reading room.

For publication requests please use the Publication permission for material from personal papers. An English version is available upon request.

Contact us


  • Elke Peschke und Henrik Hofer, Ausgewählte Sondersammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek, in: Theatrum naturae et artis - Theater der Natur und Kunst, Bd.: Essays. Wunderkammern des Wissens, 2000, S. 186-196, s. S. 189-191