The Science Branch Library was opened at Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum in 2003 and provides literature on the subjects-1 represented on the Adlershof Campus: chemistry, computer science, geography, mathematics, physics and psychology. Literature on biology is still part of the branch library Campus Nord.
Just as the building is a mixture of historical workshops and new construction, the library offers current specialist literature, modern workplaces and uses new technical developments, but also houses historical collections.
The Science Branch has a total stock of approximately 508,000 volumes and 140 current printed journal subscriptions. In addition, there are about 11,400 licensed electronic journals and over 80,000 e-books from the fields of science and technology as well as numerous important databases. Of course, the electronic journals and e-books of the other subject areas can also be used, so that a total of about 25,000 electronic journals and 735,000 e-books are offered.
The holdings are almost completely listed in the Primus search portal of the University Library
Literature and publications on the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum (only in German).
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