Parent-Child Area
In the textbook collection of the Science Branch Library you find an area for parents accompanied by their children. It is available thanks to the friendly support of the Berliner Volksbank and the Family Office of Humboldt University. In addition to books, toys and cuddly toys, a sofa and computer workstation are available for parents who need to work with their children in the library.
Pens for loan
Coloured pencils suitable for infants are available at the circulation desk and can be borrowed on the parents' reader card.
Play bags for loan
Visiting a lecture with child? Sometimes you have to - and you can't take our play area with you. But there are two different play bags for loan suitable for younger and older children at the circulation desk:
- from 2 years: Books, painting materials and pens suitable for small children,
- from 5 years: includes a flashlight book, other pixi books, materials and pens for preschoolers and primary school children
Both bags can be borrowed at the circulation desk on the parents' reader card like a book for one day.
Nappy-changing room
The Erwin Schrödinger Centre also has a nappy-changing facility in the first aid room in the corridor next to the lecture room 0'101 outside the library. The key is available at the circulation desk.