The holdings of the Branch Library of Foreign Languages and Literatures and of the Library of the Centre for British Studies can be borrowed for 28 days at the self-checkout machines on the 1st floor. If there is no reservation on an item, the loan period can be renewed to a maximum of up to 182 days.
Periodicals and newspapers, the non-circulation collections in the reading rooms and items of particular value (published before 1921) are excluded from that service pursuant to the library regulations.
Book returns
Please return the items at the self-return machine during the opening hours. Books from all locations can be returned or borrowed again. In return, it is also possible to return books from the Branch Library of Foreign Languages and Literatures or the Library of the Centre for British Studies and to borrow them again at all locations.
You can extend the loan period of borrowed items in your user account. Extending the loan period by phone is not possible in this Branch Library. At the self-return machine, you can also renew items of the libraries mentioned above after the maximum loan period, if they have not been reserved.