Borrowing and Returning


The monographic holdings and sheet music of the Branch Library of Musicology can borrowed for 7 days (short-term loan, renewable to a maximum of up 28 days).
Multiple copies can be borrowed for 28 days (renewable to a maximum of up to 182 days).
Periodicals and newspapers, the non-circulation collections in the reading room, the reserve collection and items of particular value (published before 1924) are excluded from that service pursuant to the library regulations.

The branch library is equipped with a self-issue machine.


You can extend the loan period of borrowed items in your user account or by email stating your user number.
Extending the loan period by phone is not possible in the branch library.


Please note that there are stricter fee regulations for the short-term loan.

Charges for overdue items and interlibrary services have to be paid by CampusCard/MensaCard at the self-issue and return-machine.