The literature concerned with Northeast African Archaeology and Cultural Studies at the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum is shelved in accordance with the Regensburg Classification Scheme (RVK) and can be found at the call numbers LE 4500 - LE 6399 (Archaeology) on the 3rd floor (3. OG), as well as at the call numbers EO 1000 - EO 4060 (ancient Egyptian language and literature) on the 5th floor (5. OG). All in all, the collection is fairly small.
The subject is relatively specific and therefore only very few textbooks can be found in the Textbook Collection on the ground floor (EG).
The periodicals collection is also quite small. The recent unbound issues are located on the 1st floor (1. OG), older issues can be found on the 2nd floor (2. OG) with call numbers beginning with LD 1000 and following.