Information about the Holdings

The Art and Visual History Collection is represented at the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum by a wide range of subject-related literature. Specialised literature is allocated not only in the classical genres of Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings, Drawings, Graphics and Iconography, but moreover in Applied Arts and Design as well as Photography. In addition, theoretical studies concerning Aesthetics and Visual Culture, including works on the use of images in other academic fields, are broadly covered.

The subject literature being available here offers extensive information about European Art History from the Middle Ages up to the present as well as non-European art, especially US-American art since the 19th century. Special emphasis in the holdings is given to Eastern European Art History.

For further details see Subject holdings in Art and Visual History.

The media library (Mediathek) of the Department of Art and Visual History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will help you in your search for visual media and provide you with images for your seminar papers and presentations.

Textbook Collection

Textbook Collection Art and Visual History