Current research literature on chemistry is located in the Branch Library of Science at the Erwin Schrödinger Zentrum. All library materials are shelved by call number. The main call number system the University Library uses is the Regensburg classification scheme (RVK). The call numbers relevant for chemistry start with the letter combination VA (journals) and end with VX (pharmaceutical technology).
The holdings in particular:
Open shelves: The holdings marked light blue, which are situated on the gallery, make up the vast majority of the chemistry collection (VA-VX). Appended to it you can find the related academic works (dissertations, post-doctoral and diploma theses completed at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), sorted by year of completion.
Textbook collection: Aligned with students' needs, this collection offers multiple copies of relevant general and introductory textbooks. These materials can only be borrowed by members of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In general, however, there is at least another loanable copy on the open shelves, as well as another reference copy that cannot be borrowed.
Closed stacks: In the closed stacks we keep the old holdings which have call numbers conforming to older classification systems. They can be ordered via Primus.
Rare book collections: Antiquarian books are housed in this safe storage, either because of their value, age or rarity. That includes copies of dissertations, post-doctoral and diploma theses, which have to be archived, as well as the Hofmann Collection (Hofmann-Sammlung). They can only be consulted on request and in a specially equipped room. Reproductions of any kind are - due to the materials' sensible nature - to be made by authorized personnel only and entail a fee.