Current research literature on Chemistry is located in the Branch Library of Science at the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum. All library materials are shelved by call number. The main call number system the Humboldt-Universität Library uses is the Regensburg classification scheme (RVK). The call numbers relevant for Geography start with the letter combination RA (journals) and end with RZ (regional geography - including marine space). The holdings specifically focusing on Geology are shelved under TE (journals) up to TZ (applied geology).
The holdings in particular:
Open Access Shelving (EG): The holdings marked pink, which are situated on the ground floor, make up the vast majority of the Geography collection (RA-RZ). Appended to it you can find the related academic works (dissertations, post-doctoral and diploma theses completed at the Humboldt University), sorted by year of completion. Books and journals on geology are marked light green (TE-TZ).
Textbook Collection: Aligned with students' needs, this collection offers multiple copies of relevant general and introductory textbooks. These materials can only be borrowed by members of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In general, however, there is at least another loanable copy on the open shelves, as well as another reference copy that cannot be borrowed.
Open stacks / old stock: The rolling stacks are a special variety of the open shelves, and accommodate old holdings, which have call numbers conforming to older classification systems.
Closed stacks: In the closed stacks we keep the old holdings which have call numbers conforming to older classification systems. They can be ordered via Primus.
Rare book collection: Antiquarian books are housed in this safe storage, either because of their value, age or rarity. That includes copies of dissertations, post-doctoral and diploma theses, which have to be archived. They can only be consulted on request and in a specially equipped room. Reproductions of any kind are - due to the material’s sensible nature - to be made by authorized personnel only and entail a fee.