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Subject Holdings

As a rule, special literature on a discipline’s history is shelved with other holdings of that discipline. The historical holdings are distributed according to their discipline across several locations of the university library, especially at the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, at Campus Nord, and at the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum Adlershof.

History of Science at the Grimm-Zentrum

The Grimm-Zentrum holds literature on History of Science at the open access shelving of the Research Reading Room. These holdings are intended for on-site use only. There you can also find the stock of the former branch library, which can be traced back to the Department of the History of Medicine and Science founded by Paul Diepgen in 1930. This stock is constantly being processed.

A large part of the historical holdings are kept in closed stacks due to their value. They can be researched and ordered via Primus, as well as the historical catalogues (year of acquisition 1907 and backwards). The information desk in the Research Reading Room is available for support.

Assortment of individual disciplines

The particular location of a book is listed in Primus.

Literature on Study of Science and Scientific Organisation can be found at call numbers ranging from AK 10000 to AK53900.
Museum Studies, Museology, and Museum Science are located within the call numbers AK8000 to AK89990.
Literature on general Natural Science is shelved within TA to TD.
The call numbers XB2000 to XB 6399 contain literature on History of Medicine.

Please consider that older literature can still be marked differently, e.g. in the group “Med.” on the fifth floor (5.OG) or “Allg.Abt.” on the second floor (2.OG) in the Grimm-Zentrum.