Information about the Holdings

The foundation of the University of Berlin in 1810 entailed the constitution of a Faculty of Law. In the year 1875, it was followed by the formation of a special Law Faculty Library. From this point on, there was a continuous collection of holdings in the field of Law so that even today we can point to an imposing stock of older literature.

The current collection profile covers, in particular, legal literature with regard to teaching and research in German Law. The focus here is on commentaries, textbooks, surveys of case-law and academic theses from the core areas of Law (Civil Law, Criminal Law, Public Law).

There is a steadily growing amount of research-relevant literature on Comparative Law, on European and International Law. Moreover, media pertaining to the study of foreign language Law are being acquired.

Electronic resources (mainly databases, e-journals, e-books) tend to dominate acquisition policy by now. This is increasingly taken into account: the licensing of legal databases has become a major factor in our library profile.

These digitised forms are provided online for registered patrons of the library within the IP area of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. HU students and staff can also access e-resources off campus via VPN.

For further information see Subject Holdings in Law.


Due to the Corona-Pandemic the unversity library offers HU residents an additional access to electronic media:

  • Temporary: Beck-eLibrary, Nomos-eLibrary, Dunker & Humblot, Peter Lang Verlag, Cambridge University Press E-Books, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • Time unlimited: Staudinger-Online

Further Information can be found here.