Slavonic Studies

Information about the Holdings

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the university library has been comprehensively collecting literature on Eastern, Western and Southern Slavonic languages, literatures and cultures. According to the special focus of the Department of Slavonic and Hungarian Studies, our profile extends as well to the adjacent fields of Cultural Studies and Foreign Language Teaching. The library acquires international research literature (particularly in Slavonic languages, German and English), as well as original primary literature and its German translations.

There is an increasing emphasis on purchasing electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, databases) which can be accessed by university members via VPN independent of location.

Further information can be found on Subject Holdings.


Textbook Collection Slavic Languages and Literatures

monument of a sitting man holding an opened book it his hand, in the background a green forest

Photographer: Dr. Sophia Manns-Süßbrich


Online Resources

Top Databases
Top Journals