Technical Requirements

Students and Employees of HU

  • If you are working on-site at a computer of Humboldt-Universität log in with your HU account
  • From home, dial-in via VPN (in German only): Please establish the VPN connection first and then open the browser.
  • You can check whether you are successfully connected via VPN via the website
  • If you are working on-site with your own mobile device, dial-in to the HU-WLAN with your HU account.


External access to online-resources (homeoffice)

Non HU-Members

Current information on the use of online resources at the computer workstations

Your login in the HU network - not your login in the Primus library account - is critical for accessing the online resources. Non-HU members (user number beginning with HUUB...) must change their password once before using the internet for the first time in order to activate internet access. You can change your password in your Primus user account.

Please use Internet mit Anmeldung at the computer workstations to access online resources.

We regret that the use of HU-Desktop is currently not possible.

How to Access Online Resources in Primus

  • Click on "Online access" or "Check online access". Documents with "Online access" lead directly to the selected online resource in an extra window of the browser. With "Check online access" you choose from a list of possible collections and then get to the full text.
  • If you are in the HU network, you will usually be taken to the respective publisher's page where you can directly access the desired resource.
  • In the case of journals, it may still be necessary to select the corresponding volume, the issue and then the article.
  • The access conditions may vary depending on the provider and the underlying licenses.