Scan Service

You can use the scan service to order articles from journals and parts of books for use in digital teaching. The scans are equipped with OCR as standard.

Please check in advance in the Primus search portal whether the desired title is available in our collection. Scans from online resources cannot be made. If the title is not available, you can submit an acquisition request.

Orders are limited to 20 scans per month. Please understand that the processing of large orders may take a little longer.


  • You are an HU employee.
    Tutors and student assistants who place orders on behalf of lecturers are also entitled to do so. The professor must be named in the appointment.
  • Your order is permitted under copyright law (§60a UrhG) and VG Wort:
    - The scope of the scans may not exceed 15% of the entire work. The successive ordering of individual parts of a work is also not permitted.
    - Complete works of small size (up to 25 pages) are permitted, as well as
    - individual articles and essays from specialist journals.
    - The scans may only be made available in the context of teaching and only to a limited group of participants, e.g. in a Moodle course.
  • Information on providing literature in Moodle courses and on complying with copyright law can be found in this Moodle course (guest access or registration free).

We process your order internally using the Znuny ticket system. Please note the applicable data protection information.

Order Form

Help and Contact

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us; either by e-mail or by telephone.

 +49 30 2093-99370