Online registration for Non-HU members

Application form for new patrons (Non-HU members only).
No titles (Dr., Prof.)
Contact details
Please enter your details here where we will be able to contact you.
Email address
Please make sure you enter your email address correctly. Submission is necessary for borrowing books, for receiving messages from the library, and for internet access at local PCs.
Registration address
If your official registration address differs from your postal address, you can register it here.
Account password
A password is needed for signing in to your online user account and for requesting items from the stacks, interlibrary loans, renewing items, and reservations. The password must contain 8-20 characters, no blanks, at least one upper and one lower case, one number and one of the following additional characters: '[](){}-_?.:;,+*#^!"$%&/=~@'. The password may not contain parts of the first or surname longer than 3 characters, e.g. the password of Max Mustermann may not contain "maxm", "axmu", "nnma", ... etc.
Choose a PIN number
The PIN is needed for signing in to the self-issue machines. It must consist of 4 numbers.
Security questition
Can You Calculate?
7 + 9 = ???