This page presents our special services for PhD candidates of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. If you retain a PhD position, usage conditions for HU scientists and academics apply to you.
Lockable Book Trolleys
The following Branch Libraries offer lockable book trolleys for PhD candidates. More information about the usage of the trolleys can be accessed by clicking on the pdfs and pages linked in brackets.
Unfortunately, the Grimm-Zentrum currently does not offer this service.
Study Desks for PhD Candidates
The Research Reading Room at Grimm-Zentrum offers study desks reserved exclusively for HU staff, scientists, and PhD candidates. There, as well as at the entire Grimm-Zentrum, the regulations of HU home zone apply.
The following Branch Libraries offer study carrels for PhD candidates for the duration of a month or longer. More information about the usage of the carrels can be accessed by clicking on the pdfs and pages linked in brackets.
Furthermore, the Humboldt Graduate School offers study desks at an office in Luisenstraße 56 (Campus Nord) to any candidates who do not have an individual workplace in their faculty or department. This offer can be used for three months at maximum. For more information, please access "Temporary Workspace for Doctoral Candidate- of Humboldt-University".
Digitisation Order "eod - e-books on demand"

All works that are free of copyright can be ordered for digitization. The university library creates digitizations with their eod service and makes them available to you as an e-book. This service is subject to charges. If you wish to order a digitisation, please contact
Electronic publishing
The edoc-server is available to you as an HU member for publishing your scientific papers in open access.
Open Access and Scientific Publishing
On our pages in the Research and Publishing section, you will find extensive information on open access, free access to scientific literature, including its implementation variants, funding options and special conditions, legal aspects such as open licences, Humboldt-Universität's open access policy, as well as our consultation services and much more.
Furthermore, we advise you on all other aspects of scientific publishing, specifically also on affiliation statements (how to indicate Humboldt-Universität in publications) and the ORCID iD. You will also find information on how to recognise and protect yourself from predatory publishing.
With Berlin Universities Publishing (BerlinUP), an open access publisher in an academically operated infrastructure is in operation since 2022. The services for members of Humboldt-Universität include the publishing of books, the publication of book series and journals, as well as consultancy on topics related to academic publishing and open access.
Research Data
Together with the Computer and Media Service and the Research Service Centre, the university library participates in the Research Data Management initiative. This initiative serves as the first point of contact and support for researchers at Humboldt-Universität regarding all aspects of research data. For this purpose, it operates a website on research data management.
Research Reading Room
The Research Reading Room at Grimm-Zentrum offers study desks reserved exclusively for HU staff, scientists, and PhD candidates.
Theses Collection Point
You must hand in your dissertation at the UB's theses collection point in the Grimm Centre upon completion.
Humboldt Graduate School
The Humboldt Graduate School opens courses within the Last-Minute-Programmes to PhD candidates that are not members of the HGS programmes. A participation fee needs to be paid. You can find these offers in the brochure "Training, Coaching, Mentoring" (pdf).
Reference Management
The university offers campus licences for Citavi and Endnote. You can download these programmes from our download centre. There you can also inform yourself about the capacities of these and other reference management programmes.
Alternatively, the CMS offers more extensive manuals in German for EndNote and Citavi.
If you are new to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin or if you want to refresh your research skills, we recommend to attend one of our library courses and webinars.
Contact and Help
Do you have any questions, suggestions or criticisms regarding the services listed above? Please contact us at:
For more detailed information you should also consult the A-Z.