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Higher Education

Information about the Holdings

Since its beginnings in 1832 the university library has collected historical university and school publications. Based on these extensive holdings the university library was mandated in 1998 by German Research Funding (DFG) to enhance this collection in the context of the DFG support programme for special subject collections (SSG). Higher Education studies were extensively collected until 2013. The holdings consist of German and international literature (e.g. from Northern, Southern and Western Europe, Northern America, and Australia) on topics in higher education research as well as i.a. a comprehensive collection of faculty indices and course catalogues. At Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin these holdings are used particularly by students and researchers at the Division for the Study of Higher Education at the Department of Education Studies.

Please visit our Subject Holdings page for more information on the location of the collection and their accessibility on site.

view of a full lecture hall from the back of the class. a teacher writes notes on the boards.

Photo: Matthias Heyde


Since 2015 the University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin pariticipates in the Specialised Information Service Education and Educational Research sponsored by DFG. Herein it covers the services for Higher Education Research.

Online Resources