Borrowing and Returning

Lending periods and renewals

The items of the Branch Library of German and Scandinavian studies can be borrowed for four weeks at the self-checkout machines on the ground floor. If there is no reservation, the loan period can be renewed to a maximum of up to 84 days.

Periodicals, complete editions, encyclopaedias, reserve and reference collections as well as items published before 1920 are excluded from that service.

You can renew the loan of borrowed items in your user account at home or at the self-checkout machines in all our libraries.

Book return

Borrowed items may be returned during the opening hours of the branch library or at the self-return-machine in the cloakroom which is open from 07:00 h to 22:00 h from Monday to Friday and from 08:00 h to 16:00 h on Saturday. Make sure that you press the “Fertig” button for the receipt.


Late fees become due once the loan period for the materials in question is exceeded.

  • Exceeding the loan period or ignoring a request for return, from 5th day   €2
  • Exceeding the loan period or ignoring a request for return, from 19th day   additional €5
  • Exceeding the loan period or ignoring a request for return, from 33rd day   additional €13
  • Upon issuing a demand for payment: €20.45 per item (demand for payment processing fee)

See scale of fees (in German only).

Charges for overdue items and interlibrary services have to be paid by by Campus-Card or Mensacard at the self-checkout machines of the branch library.